
video (16)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


-I was in a partriotic muscial at church and had my practice cd in the car. Maggie can sing every song. Her favorite is the "Swing" song. The name has now grown into "Swing Down Chariot Stop and Wet Me Wide." She will immediately ask for it when we get in the car and on the last note, say, "Againt...againt." We must hear it 10 times a day. On the rare occassion that we get passed that one, she loves "Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying" and "How Great Thou Art." She really belts the high notes there. Her song repertoire is much to large to name them all. She does love "Oh, How I Love Jesus", "Twinkle, Twinkle", "the sunshine song" which is "Ain't No Sunshine When He's Gone" and many, many more. When she sings "Joyful, Joyful", because of "The Wiggles", it's "Joyful, Joyful We a Dorothy." She's been watching Mommy closely and tries her best to form the words correctly with very open vowels. It's impressive.
-She walked in when Brett was getting out of the shower and said, "Daddy, what's dat" Brett replied, "That's daddy's penis." She said, "Wow, Daddy's penis...would you look at dat!" Later, after he was dressed, she said, "Daddy, where's your penis? I want to see him?" (8/1/08) -She has learned many landmarks in our little town. Of course, the most recognizable one is "Mommy, there's Casa!" She tells me where the "Fruit Stand Man" is and the post office. "That's where I get a sticker, from a lady, it was a mousy, and I put it on my weg!" There was a Hibbett's billboard with a giant shoe that had a tiny little picture of Elmo on it. Mag spotted him. We would pass him and she would say, "Hey Elmo, I going to church." Right after that, is the bridge. She'll say, "Here it comes, the big river!" After that, "There's the hospital, where Granna works." Going over the other bridge, she speaks to the puppy on that billboard and says, "Dat's where Uncle Dabid works" when we pass his office.
-There is a horse stable down the road from our house. We take her by to see the horses each time on the way home. We roll down the window and she says "Hey horseys...they eating grass!" Around the corner from that is the caution light in front of the elementary school. She'll now tell me, "there's the caution light...dat means slow down and beeee careful."
-She finally got over her "gagging." Once she did, there has been no limit to what she will try. Her favorites are spaghetti, beetos and taco burgers from Casa, and all fruits. She will eat all day. She eats everything from bell peppers to Pringles dipped in ketchup. She's a dipper, like her momma. It's "I wanna dip it in there."
-We were looking at a photo album and she said, "Awww, sweet daddy, he's cute" and kissed his picture.
-She's ready for a little brother. She'll throw the ball to our cat and say, "Chucky...catch! Chucky...catch the ball!" It will roll right passed and she will look at him with such disappointment. She'll stand next to him and say, "!" When he just sits there, it's " didn't go?"
-When she's upset, it's "Mommy, I want to catch you!"
-Her little boyfriend is Jake. We go to church with him. She gets so excited about seeing him. The feeling's mutual. They were caught hugging and Jake kissing her in the little baby bed during Sunday School. Whenever they see each other, they just hug and Jake plants a big one on her. (8/17/08)
-We've moved on from "The Wiggles" a bit and are into "Caillou." She gets so excited and dances when certain songs come on. She has memorized many of the episodes word for word. She gets the phone and quotes an exact line from the show. "Hey, oh really, I'll look around." She hangs up and says, "That was Leo's Mommy, Leo lost his toy dinosaur."
-When she hits her head, it's "Uh-oh, I bonk-ed da head."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved reading this. It is so adorable and I laughed my heart out. She is a beautiful little girl!