
video (16)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


"Pay no attention to the man shielding his face in the reindeer-mobile." My poor little reindeer. We go way back. Last year was when we went through a drive-thru & Brett had to tell the cashier, "Excuse me while I remove my antler." This year, the fam is at Sonic. The roller-skating waitress nears the car with a puzzled look. I hear Brett mumble, "Don't ask...don't ask." She asked. "What's that red thing on the front of your car?" Brett (only fairly confidently) "It's a reindeer nose." Anyway, you may have read about the "accident' on facebook but I'll fill you in on the whole story. Went shopping for the first time on Black Friday. Mom and I left bright and early. It was nearing 11 am and I was extremely tired. Coming out of the mall, turning on 82 and my gum was getting really stale. You're probably not questioning where the gum came from but I'll tell you. Standing in a really, really long line in Children's Place waiting to check out when one of the very bubbly cashiers started playing a game with us customers. The "what's in your purse" game. You know the one. Well, being so prepared for the biggest/most crowded shopping day of the year, I changed to a more shoulder friendly purse & only packed must needed items. Anyway, when the cashier said that anyone with a piece of gum would receive an additional 10% off, I was out of luck. Then, a friendly,sneaky lady in line behind me discreetly passed me a piece of Dentene. Additional 10%...yes. Cheating...yes. Back to leaving the mall. Turned on 82 and that Dentene had run all slap out of flavor. I pushed the little button to roll the window down, spit out said Dentene, & there went my left antler, bouncing down 82. My poor car still seems to sputter a bit when we near Midtown as if it were crying. To make matters worse, that sad broken antler has been laying on the curb all season. Of course my car cries. Wouldn't you if you drove past one of your limbs daily? The lesson learned in all this: 1)never cheat. 2)never litter, even if it's just a piece of gum. 3)remember that everything you do could effect someone you love. This tragic event could have been avoided if I had just listened to Jiminy Cricket. BTW, ,my father-in-law thought his name was "Jimmy the Cricket." Maggie quickly corrected him :)

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