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Monday, February 7, 2011

"THE PRAYER OF JABEZ for Little Ones."

I've had several nights in the past few months when I went out with my friends. Brett is always so gracious and never complains about staying home with the kiddos. He knows I need my girl time. So, I arranged for him to go to dinner with his brother and best friend tonight. The kids and I hung out and played. Around bedtime, Mag brought me a load of books and we piled on the couch to read. One of the books, "The Prayer of Jabez for Little Ones" was given to her for Christmas. Thanks, Crystal. It had been floating between her and Mac's bookshelf for about three weeks but we had not read it yet. So, I read the book to her, noticed there were some questions in the back but quickly shut it. It was past nine o'clock and all three needed to get in the bed. Well, Maggie noticed and called me out on it. I'm ashamed to admit it but I said, "It's just questions and you probably won't know the answers." For those that know my Maggie, that didn't fly. Here is what followed. And yes, she answered each question in pageant form.

Question #1 What is the biggest blessing God has given you?
Answer: The biggest blessing God has given me is His love. He loves me and gave us Jesus. And sharing. It makes God happy when we share with others.

Question #2 How can you help someone and make God smile?
Answer: You can help someone by helping them if they are sick. If they fall, you can help them up or give them a band aid or something.

Question #3 How does God help you not to be afraid?
Answer: God helps you not to be afraid like if you are in a dark cave or something, He will give you light to see. He is always there. Jesus is always there to light the dark places. We have Jesus in our hearts so we can show light to the whole world.

Question #4 What could you do today to obey God?
Answer: I could obey God today by obeying my parents (small smirk), my teachers, my grandmother, everyone. It makes Him happy when I do the right things.

I'm amazed at the simplicity yet vastness that can come out of a child's mouth. And next time, I'll read the entire book and expect no less from her or from God.


Laurie said...


Anonymous said...

So much understanding.. so young. Especially, Jesus being the light.
Touched my heart.