
video (16)

Monday, January 24, 2011


I'll get back to posting Christmas pics soon. I just haven't been in a mood to post anything that requires concentration. With Brett having the flu and strep last week & Mac and Mary having the flu right now, we're a tad deprived in the sleep dept. So, until things get back to normal, I'm sticking with the small stuff.
Well, the old faithful carseat is now retired. She kept all three of my babies safe & has fulfilled her purpose. She actually fulfilled it a while ago but we kinda forgot about Mary getting too big for it. After MB's check-up, Brett went straight to Wally World to get a replacement & we kept our fingers crossed that he could cram it in there.
They fit! It's a miracle!
Mag's pic of our family on her Maggie-Doodle. Yep, she still calls it that. I think it's precious.
I asked Mag to bring me a diaper for one of the babies. She brought me this, a used one.
And then made this face. She is seriously quite a witty chick.
And speaking of diapers, I read MK's blog about real life houses & their messes and she had a dirty diaper on her bathroom counter. You could see for yourself when she ever decides to show me how to link. ;) Anyway, I am an ocd freak so the house is usually all tidy but on this day, I took a walk around to see how many diapers we had left laying around. These were left on the foot of the bed. That where we change MB. We only have one changing table & it's in Mac's room. At least those wipes were from someone's face and not their rear. And, the way we fold diapers, you get nothing icky on your hands. That way, we can play ball with them. ;)
You may find one in a hat next the the liquid gold, aka Mylicon.
Or on my pillow. My pillow!?! Brett Paul!

And sometimes one of the kids just runs around with one. Saves money on toys & they're great when little ones are teething.

1 comment:

mary kathryn @ mathews family happenings said... glad to know we're not the only house with diapers EVERYWHERE. I like to hang them in target bags on the door handle too to give C a nice greeting when he gets home from work too...
And- to link, just copy the page you want to link to, highlight the words or pic in your blog that you want to link FROM, and then select 'link' on the toolbar and paste in the link. I'm probably not the best at describing techy stuff tho- I'm amazed I even know how to do that myself