
video (16)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


It's been two weeks of ear mess around here. Mac & Mary were at the doc's last Wednesday with ear infections. Mary, still sick Monday, started three days of Rocephin shots. Mac went back today and got his first of three. Mac feels so badly that he's laying his head on Maggie's shoulder. Poor babies. :(

Mag and Jakers! Inseparable since birth. They really care about each other so much and had a great year together. We're so glad that they will be together again next year.

These two are just something else. The beginning of this school year was difficult. Brett was still at Pepsi so he was going to work at 5:30 every morning. I was having to get myself ready for work plus 2 kids ready for school, & an 8 month old ready to go to Grandmother's. God put someone right in my path that I needed. Lisa Smalley, Jake's momma. Being a mother of 5, she knows the drill. We met every morning for months at drop off and pick up. Mag & Jake wanted to go in and out together and Lisa helped me by holding Mary while I got Mac out of the car or vice versa. She also helped me through the rough patches when Mac was adjusting to leaving me in the beginning. And the occasional grabbing of each other's kids if one was late or had an appt. But most of all, she helped me to relax. I'm such an anal, OCD person and learned so much from her and she didn't even know she was doing anything. When Jake came to school all sticky because he didn't tell her that his car seat was covered in ice cream...she simply said, "oh, well." When he came with gum squished all in his hair, again..."oh, well." I'm one that frets over Maggie's nail polish being chipped! With juggling my three little ones under 4 years old at that time, she really was a sanity saver. So glad to have her as one of my closet friends.

Maggie is my well child. Thank you, Mag. You keep standing strong, chick. She had a great year with Mrs. Cheri and Mrs. Liz. I actually went to church with Mrs. Cheri back in high school. She just loved my Magpie. But, who wouldn't? ;)

Today would have been Mac's last day. But, with his fever of 101 last night, poor man couldn't stay. We just stopped by when taking Mag so he could grab a pic and tell Mrs. Janet and Mrs. Leah goodbye. Leah is oh so sweet and great with the kids. Mrs. Janet, I can't explain the gift that this woman has. She is simply amazing and hasn't lost any of her enthusiasm after 20 + years.

This was actually yesterday which would have been Mary's last day of school. Unfortunately, she was too sick to stay. As if you can't tell by that face. She actually loves Mrs. Katie and Mrs. Susan as do I. Mary went for her second Rocephin shot that afternoon.

When we got back from the doc's, we headed outside. The kids played (sunshine is good for them) and I weeded the flower beds. Note to self: change clothes. It's too hot to work in jeans. And, take off rings to avoid these blisters from the garden hoe.

Looks like this will be our busiest summer yet.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Hey Melanie! I took Addy to visit Mrs. Cheri's class Tuesday and we met Maggie... so adorable! Sorry to see your babies have been sick!