
video (16)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I'm really behind on posting. I blame it on the tornado that I still have not blogged about. Still not sure if I'm ready.

The Saturday before Easter, Danny and Anita had us up for brunch and bunny games. We had a fabulous time. They had hidden an insane amount of eggs and had little goodies inside each. Also, they had really big eggs for sweet Mary to find. Robby was awesome. He would walk a few steps in front of Mary and drop eggs for her. This post has the prettiest colors. They have a beautiful yard. Plus, it was a tad overcast so everything looks so bright.

I was so glad that Dale and Mirabelle were able to come over. FYI, that was about 10 pounds ago for me. 10 pounds that apparently I stored all in my face.

Aren't they purty? Dale, how is it that you, once again, managed to appear as the centerpiece of the blog post. Haha.

That would be Mary's big scrap that she got three days before Easter. She fell off a riding toy at school and freakishly hit the bottom corner of a rocking chair. When Susan (one of MB's awesome teachers that I love) brought her to the car, she felt horribly and promised to photo shop all of my Easter pics. No need though. Mary is a tough booger and I'm glad to have pics to remind us how she was a this age.

I think she wanted down.

Laughing at Aunt Anita.

"All kids report to the tree house." That was not easy to climb in that thing with all those babies.

The fellas guarding the 6 foot drop so Mary wouldn't jump off.

Funny little Mac would find the eggs then get someone else to pick them up so he wouldn't get his hands dirty.

Sack races!

If you look closely, you can see Grandpaw going down.

Let's grab the hat before doing anything else though.

Danny looks like a psychotic kangaroo.

But, he smoked us.

My big toes escaped. Don't fret. I had a pedicure that afternoon. Really though, those sacks were as thin as tissue paper.

Super cute centerpieces that Anita made.

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