
video (16)

Sunday, July 10, 2011


 I don't usually take this many pictures of other people's parties but it was F.U.N.  Check out this awesome 18 foot water slide! 

All the kiddos lining up...and Brett.  I think he, Tim, and Jamie slid more than anyone.

Of course, I did a time or seven.

This is Mac playing with Wightning on the glass.  Mac walked right in the house, looked for W's, (the Hocutt girls met him at the door with three fingers up) stayed in there with Laura's grandparents, and played with his new "Wightning McQueen" car...for hours.

There was also a smaller pool when the little ones wanted a break.

The three youngest Smalley's arrived after just being in a wedding.  Not sure if those are the pants Jake wore in the wedding or not.  ;)

Taking a peek to see if he wants to meander out or not.  It was a no.

Little curly top.

Sweet Magpie.  The bottom of that slide was kinda deep.  And if you hit wrong, you probably have a sore bootay today.  Just guessing, of course.

SK was trying to coax him out.

I went in and told him there was cake.  "Oh, yes!  I need some cake!"

He sweet talked Lisa into feeding him so he wouldn't get any on his fingers.  I just noticed he has a shoe on his hand though.  Haha.  And I love that when feeding someone, you must open your own mouth to do so. 

And now...back to his car.

Brett Paul and Mag

Eating some soggy Doritos off the floor.  Love that fat belly.

Cute cheesy face and Kara's toes.  Nice pedicure, btw.

Leila is helping a sista out.

Present time!

These girls spotted the big present before the b'day girl.

And, if you go to a party at the Hocutt's, you can go through their trash on the street and come home with three new riding toys for your kids!

Not so much riding but sitting and playing with McQueen.

Now, it's going on 31 hours without letting Wightning go.  McQueen even got to take a trip to church this morning.